

Gouj is local

Gouj doesn't like to travel long distances. So Gouj only works with local wood (ash, walnut, beech, lime, maple, cherry, boxwood, etc.).
Much of this wood is salvaged from nearby villages and purchased from local farmers.
The woods are selected for their history and their quality, thus contributing to give character to the objects created.

Gouj applies finishing touches with care

All products applied to the wood are made from natural oils or organic products. Depending on the use and the aesthetics sought, we apply grape seed oil, rapeseed oil, hard oil or beeswax.

We buy our products from Maison Nature Déco, our local supplier who respects the planet and the environment: http://www.maison-nature-deco.fr

Gouj asks you to take care of it

Wooden tableware, although sturdy and durable, requires a little maintenance and a few precautions.
Avoid the dishwasher and the microwave at all costs and, to a lesser extent, the refrigerator.

Wood is a sensitive material that does not tolerate sudden temperature changes. Wash with warm water and a little soap if necessary and let it dry. For regular food use, it is necessary to oil the objects regularly.
Wooden objects, if properly maintained, are a very long term investment !